School Uniform

All children at Arnbrook Primary School wear school uniform. Children are expected to wear school colours and we are strict about this: it builds a sense of identity with the school like wearing the right kit for a football team!

We do have clothing available for sale with the school logo on - click here to check prices & buy -  but any clothing that is suitable for school life and the right colour is acceptable. We work wit St. Pauls' & St. Tim's Church who host half termly events where school uniform and essentials are all available free of charge. Check our website or ask for further info on when the next event is.

We also work with Sharewear to provide families with free, good quality clothing, shoes, bedding and bath towels free of charge to people in need. To find out more, speak to any member of staff who you feel comfortable with. We will always treat you with respect and understanding. 

The following items are required. All children (Nursery – Year 6) should wear:

  • Maroon or red sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.
  • White, gold or yellow polo-shirt or white shirt 
  • Flat, black school shoes. 

Optional Items:

  • Arnbrook Primary School book bag
  • Maroon fleece with Arnbrook logo.

Our PE uniform consists of:

  • White polo-shirt or T-shirt
  • Black shorts for indoor PE
  • Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings for outdoor PE
  • Black plimsolls
  • Draw-string PE bag

Children are permitted to wearing a pair of flat stud earrings. These must be removed for all PE lessons. If you want your child to have their ears pierced, please have them done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that they are healed by September and the earrings can be removed.

If you want your child to wear an item of jewellery for religious reasons you must write to the Governing body so that they can consider the health and safety implications.

Children are not permitted to wear make-up and/or nail varnish to school. Long hair must be tied back securely during PE lessons.

Please, please make sure all clothing has a name in it as we can end up with many identical items!


School Uniform Price List.

Please note uniform must be ordered and paid for online. Click here for prices and to purchase.  

School Uniform Policy