Our values and ethos

All our work in school is underpinned by the following four values.


At Arnbrook, we aim to foster a sense of social responsibility in all our pupils and help them develop into outstanding citizens and to ensure they are well prepared for life in modern Britain. We aim to promote an awareness of wider global issues through our curriculum and links made with local and global communities.


At Arnbrook, we believe in instilling a sense of belief in all pupils that they can succeed; raising aspirations and developing a love of learning. We have a warm, tidy and positive environment in which children are eager to learn and children are proud of their school.


At Arnbrook, we believe in providing opportunities for the best possible achievement of all children in a climate of high expectation. We want to equip all children with the knowledge, skills and understanding to succeed now and in the future.


We want all children to be inspired by their experiences at Arnbrook; inspired to learn and grow even more, inspired to make a positive contribution to the local and wider community now and in their adult lives.

Behaviour for Learning: 

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From the moment pupils enter the school they are introduced to our ‘Awesome Arnbrookers’ characters which each represent a different behaviour for learning. The development of behaviour for learning is integrated into all curriculum areas. This ensures that our pupils are independent, successful and reflective learners, achieve well and become learners for life. Our behaviours for learning are as follows:

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Collaboration, creativity, curiosity, determination, focus, reflectiveness

Our Aims

  • To ensure that all pupils receive their full entitlement to the whole curriculum through teaching of a high standard.
  • To provide a relevant challenging curriculum in which pupils will be encouraged to reach their maximum potential.
  • To provide a stimulating and vibrant curriculum and environment that will not only motivate children but also encourage them to understand the purpose and enjoyment of learning.
  • To provide an environment where children apply their knowledge, skills and understanding with confidence whilst developing their ability to investigate and problem solve through discussion, prediction and evaluation.
  • To encourage children to respect and value other cultures and beliefs and ultimately to become caring, confident and educated members of a multi-faith, multi-cultural society.
  • To develop positive attitudes and an awareness of the needs, strengths and qualities of others in order to work, share and grow socially and emotionally, spiritually and morally, physically and intellectually.
  • To involve parents in their children’s education and encourage strong links between home and school.