Sports Premium

This year the government is continuing to provide additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport – is  allocated to primary school head teachers.

The funding that Arnbrook Primary School receives annually over this period is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. Schools are free to decide how to spend the grant, but they must be able to show that their spending has led to a “direct and sustained” improvement in sporting provision. The guidance from the DfE and EFA says that schools should use the funding to:

• Develop or add to the PE and sport activities they already offer.
• Make improvements that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.

You can download a copy of our Sports Premium Impact Report, which evaluates the impact of our 2022-23 action plan, from the bottom of this page.

You can download a copy of our 2023-24 action plan, which details our objectives and spending plans for the year ahead. 

You can also download information regarding how many pupils within their year 6 cohort are meeting the national curriculum requirements for swimming, and our swimming provision. 


2022-23 Swimming Report
Sports Premium Spending Review 22/23
Sports Premium Overview 23-24