Breakfast Club

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Breakfast Club

We are delighted to be able to offer a breakfast club for children in order for them to have a healthy and fun start to the school day. Our breakfast club is fully compliant with the latest government & health advice to ensure it is COVID secure and that children are safe and protected.

Opening Times: 7:30am-8:40am Monday to Friday.
Venue: School Hall (entrance through main entrance).
Price: £3 per session

Children: Reception to Y6

A nutritious breakfast is provided, which includes cereal, toast, fruit juice, milk or water. This is included in the price. After they have eaten the children can; play games, draw or colour in, complete homework and read. Supervision is provided by our own trained staff.

If you want your child to attend breakfast club, you must complete a registration form before they can attend and return to the school office.

Booking & Payments
Bookings can be made by completing a booking form and returning it to the school office. Booking forms are available from the school office and our website. All payments must be made online in full at time of booking. If you have not yet registered for online payment, please collect an activation letter from the school office.

Important information

Children must arrive at breakfast club by 8:15am to be served breakfast.

Children should be escorted to the breakfast club through our main entrance and school office by a responsible adult.

Places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis, with priority given to those seeking a ‘full-time’ place.

We have free spaces available for eligible pupils and families. To discuss the criteria for free places please contact the school office.

If you do have any queries, please see a member of our office staff.