PHSE & RHSE Curriculum

Relationship, Health & Sex Education

We teach RHSE (Relationships, Health, Sex Education) across all year groups at Arnbrook. We follow a scheme  of learning which consists of an hour lesson each week during the Summer term. with resources provided by The Christopher Winter Project. This scheme of learning is recommended by Nottingham City Council’s RHSE improvement service and is widely considered to be of the highest quality, offering children a broad and balanced RHSE curriculum which will be complimented by the school’s wider curriculum.

The aim of RHSE is not only to ensure children are well informed about the changes their bodies go through during puberty but to safeguard our children too, by making sure they are aware of ways to seek help if they are subject to unwanted contact for instance. It will also cover issues such as personal hygiene, family differences and the differences between male and female bodies. 

Attached below is a  copy of the curriculum overview which should give you a better insight into what will be taught in each year group. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the RHSE provision we will be delivering across Arnbrook, please speak to your child’s class teacher first and they will be happy to give you more information. If you still have concerns then you are able to withdraw your child from the lessons if you wish. However, please bear in mind that your children will likely hear about the provision from their peers and this information will be second hand and likely to be inaccurate. If, after speaking to school staff and considering the matter carefully, you wish to withdraw your child from any element of our Relationships, Health and Sex Education Curriculum, then you should write a letter to the Headteacher explaining your intention. Please note, pupils will continue to learn about human reproduction as part of the compulsory Science curriculum.

Drug & Alcohol Awareness

We teach Drug & Alcohol awareness lessons across Years 1-6 at Arnbrook. We follow a scheme of learning which consists of 3 hour long lessons during the Spring term. In addition, messages about staying safe and the affects of smoking, alcohol and legal/illegal drugs are embedded in other areas of the curriculum as well. Resources are being provided by The Christopher Winter Project. This scheme of learning is recommended and is widely considered to be of the highest quality.

Attached below is a copy of the curriculum overview which should give you a better insight into what will be taught in each year group.

Arnbrook RSHE Scheme of Work
SRE Parent & Carers Information
Arnbrook Primary RHSE (incorporating PHSE) Policy
Alcohol & Drug Awareness Curriculum Overview