
Keeping the school community safe

You can speak to any member of staff about anything that is worrying you. Every child has the right to be safe from harm and danger. Every adult at Arnbrook has a responsibility to ensure pupils are safe at home and school. We will always listen to you and do everything we can to help.

There are four staff in school with the specific job of keeping children and families safe:



There are lots of people and organisations who can help you - even if schools are closed. 

Children, your safety is the most important thing so if you are worried or frightened about something then you can: speak to a trusted adult; contact a member of school staff on ClassDojo; call Childline free on 0800 1111.



Adults, the following organisations can provide help and support:


Arnbrook Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people and expects all staff, visitors and members of the school community to share this commitment and adhere to our principles and policies. At Arnbrook we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavor to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.

Our policy and practice takes into account the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance (September 2023).

Our Safeguarding Principles

Safeguarding for all
As stated in KCSiE (2023) safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity, is of paramount importance.

Everyone’s responsibility
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.

Child First
In order to fulfill our responsibility effectively, all members of the school community make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

It could happen here
Staff working with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned.

In addition to this, throughout the curriculum children are taught how to stay safe, including online. Click here for our page all about staying safe online or here to find out more about safeguarding within the school's curriculum.

A new website,, has been launched to help families and the public spot the signs when a loved one is being led down a path towards hatred and extremism. The pandemic has seen more children and young people at risk; children feeling lonely and isolated coupled with them spending more time online. The site is accompanied with a national advice line that will provide direct access to Prevent specialists who are trained to guide people through the process of sharing concerns about a person at risk.

 Mr. Maddams is the Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After (CLA) & TBC is the Designated Governor for Children who are Looked After (CLA). 



SSS Learning - Parental Resources

Speak Out!

Use this form if you're worried or concerned about something at school or at home. By using the form below you are informing a trusted adult within school of your concern. This may be any form of bullying - face to face or online, an email or other message that is suspicious or rude, offensive online chat or a website that has made you feel upset or uncomfortable or anything else that you need to report.

Child Protection and Safeguarding 2023-4
Safeguarding Information for Parents
Whistleblowing Policy 2023-2024
Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023-24
Behaviour Policy 2023-24
Physical Intervention Policy 2023-24
Intimate Care Policy 2023-4
Stranger Danger Information For Families
Parent/Carer guide for choosing out of school prov
Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2023-24
Safe Touch Policy 2023-4
Allegations against staff policy 2023-24
Clare's Law
Online Safety Policy 23-24