
General concerns

If you have concerns about your child’s learning, friendships or issues linked to the school day, please always speak to your child’s class teacher first. You can always message them on ClassDojo too. They  will be able to deal with and resolve most concerns. If it needs to be referred or escalated to someone else, the class teacher will be able to do that. 

In the rare event that the class teacher has not be able to resolve the issue or you still have concerns, please contact one of our senior leaders. You can get in touch with them by or calling or popping into the office to arrange a suitable time.

Mrs Stringfellow -Nursery, Reception & Year 1, 2. 

Mr Maddams - Year 3,4,5 & 6

Safeguarding concerns

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Fowlie (Headteacher) or one of our Deputy Safeguarding Leads, Mrs Stringfellow, Mr Maddams or Mrs Moran.   When you either call or email the office to speak to them, please make it clear that it is about a safeguarding concern. 

We do have a complaints procedure, should the issue not be resolved to your satisfaction. Thjis is available here.